About me

Hi there!

I’m Berna, born in Germany. After having lived and worked for several years in Belgium, more precisely in Brussels having had enough of Belgian fries and waffles, I decided to move to the UK. 

I live in London and love English tea with almond milk . Shortly after
graduating, I caught the data science bug and self trained using every resource
I could find on business intelligence and cloud.
I am working as a Power BI Consultant where I am specialised in the development and implementation of Business Intelligence solutions to provide with actionable insights.

I am the founder and event organiser of the community group Microsoft Data for Women (MSDataWomen), a platform to encourage and support women to build their technical expertise and confidence with a focus on the Microsoft BI Stack.

In my free-time I enjoy reading books, talking about philosophy, running and questioning myself how to become a better human. I can converse in several languages. If you see me somewhere, know that you will recognise me by laughs.


In this blog I want to share everything related with data.

I hope you enjoy my blog and my journey with data.


